Remember a while back when I wrote a post about planting squash simply because I like to make fried squash flowers? Well, it's time!
I thought I'd pass along a little how-to.
First, mix together milk and flour (sorry, I didn't measure, but the consistency is a little thinner than pancake batter). Add a pinch of salt and pepper and a dash of Tabasco if you want.

Rinse off the flowers and remove the stamens. Pat them dry.

Throw the flowers in the batter. And mix them around (with your hands, unless someone is looking...).

Drop the coated flowers into a pan with heated olive oil. I let them clump together so they wind up like a pancake, but you could use a larger pan and spread the flowers apart more.

Once the flower/pancake is golden brown, flip it and fry the other side. (How did I manage to make such a mess on the stove? And, in the interest of full disclosure, I also started a little grease fire when I flipped the flower/pancake and got oil on the hot coil... But, even if you burned down the house, you'd make these again...)

Then put the flowers on paper towel and sprinkle with kosher salt.
Good stuff! When I was eating this last night, I was thinking it could use a little sour cream dipping sauce on the side, maybe with fresh chives. The flavor is a little nutty and the flowers are tender, almost creamy. And there's a crunch to it.
My 5-year-old son loved them, as did his little friend from across the street.
My husband dismissed them, saying after one bite: "fried and salty." The weird part: He said that like it's a bad thing.
As good a man as he is, you can't rely on his palate. His favorite movie food: Sour Patch Kids. There, I outted you.