I spent Thursday and Friday at the Brimfield Antiques Show in Massachusetts, so I thought I'd give you a look at that instead of running my usual I Love These Ideas! Sunday column.
The show features field after field of antique and vintage items. There's so much stuff that even after spending eight hours each day, we left a whole lot unseen. (I think the super hot weather slowed us down a bit, but we got in and out before the rain and winds from Hurricane Hanna arrived.)

We (meaning me, my friend Marianne who owns Consignments Ltd. in Wakefield, RI, and shops Brimfield for that, and her mother, antiquer extraordinaire) bought quite a bit from the White Home Collections booth.
The shabby chic and cottage booth featured lots of great painted furniture and fabrics. The six chairs that Marianne bought with the pedestal table had new blue toile fabric. Pretty.

Here's another booth that caught our eye. Roomers & Bloomers used beautiful fabric, too. She sells out of Virginia.

This handsome telescope had cherry wood and brass fixtures. It was $200 and I was wishing I could use it somewhere...

We noted more stuff from the '70s this time around. These PEACE chairs would be awesome in the right house (minus the oddly paired floral fabric). The dealer was asking $600 for the six of them.

We saw lots of oak card catalogues and pharmacy cabinets. I love these for family rooms for holding CDs or DVDs. This one was priced at $975.

You could put this cabinet to the same use. It was $595. If you were shopping for new furniture, you couldn't get anything that solid and that cute at that price.
Here's Marianne. I know what you're wondering.... didn't her knuckles get sore with all that walking? Oh, I mean, you probably want to know the price of the gorilla: It was $499. No idea where it was before it was at Brimfield.