Welcome to "I Love These Ideas!" Come on in and take a look at some of the inspiration found in Blogland.
Just one rule: No shirt, no service. Sorry that the behavior of some who shall rename nameless (Cousins Maryellen and Tricia) make that warning necessary...
Folk artist Catherine Holman at Pigment of Your Imagination explains that when she moved into her home the floor was in bad shape. So, she painted a faux rug instead of refinishing it or installing carpet. Check this out: The slippers are faux too.
Oh, to be so talented... but Catherine says there are stencils out there you can use if need be. Read all about it at Pigment of Your Imagination.
Jessica at How about orange... posts a great how-to for starched fabric decals. Great idea, don't you think? Check out the details here.
Chris at Just a Girl did a great job arranging these photos, pictures and shelves. They are small items and alone wouldn't have had much impact. But arranged together like this, the display has punch. Read the post.
Caren at City Momma/Country Momma found a dresser on the side of the road and rehabbed it by painting it red and - here's the best part - covering the drawer fronts with chalkboard paint.
Now she can easily label them for her craft room. This would work great in a child's room, too....marking drawers for socks, pants, shirts, etc. Check out the entire transformation at City Momma/Country Momma.
Amy at Cape Cod Makeover offers a great idea for stealing. Need wall art? Try stretching fabric over frames. Amy offers details on how to do it.
Bloggers: Thanks for the inspiration. Grab a badge!
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Got an idea for next Sunday? Drop me an email at: Mary@AtHomeRedesigns.com

YAHOO! My second feature in two days. I bet those people who through away that dresser never thought it would give someone else such joy! ha ha! Thank you so much for featuring my idea. I am so proud to display your badge if I can figure out how to get it on there!
I LOVE that faux carpet idea, I could probably do it but would NEVER have the patience for that. It sure does look beautiful though.
I'm going to check out all the other ideas you featured as well. Thanks again!
I'm so honored to have my painted rug featured on your blog! I will display your badge in my next post and on my side bar.
Such clever ideas! Love them!
Happy day,
These are great ideas! I would never have the patience to paint the rug either, but it's beautiful!
I love you blog and I am going to try out some of these fun ideas!
I love the ideas here. I'm a tightwad when it comes to decorating and like to re-use, re-furbish my own things...the ideas here and PERFECT! What an awesome site you have here...I'll be back!
ha ha .. I just realized .. your button was for ..if you added my idea!! That's what I get for not reading!!
LOVE that faux carpet idea, I could probably do it but would NEVER have the patience for that. It sure does look beautiful though.
Work from home India
I love you blog and I am going to try out some of these fun ideas!
Wagyu Steak
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